Standard Settlement Instructions

Sub-Custody Network der VP Bank AG

The following list provides the current variety of markets that can be assessed by each Fund through the approved Sub-Custody Network, as provided by VP Bank AG, Vaduz. (Valid as of 16.01.2025)

General information

VP Bank
Aeulestrasse 6
FL-9490 Vaduz


All assets of Investment Funds are segregated as follows:

  • Segregated account per fund type (AIF or UCITS)
  • on the level of each sub-custodian/market


Fed Wire Instructions

(US-Government Bonds)

Bank of New York, Brussels
CH ISIN SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
All other ISIN Euroclear Brussels


Australia SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Austria SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Belgium SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Bulgaria Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria
Canada SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
China UBS AG, Switzerland
Cyprus SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Czech Republic Raiffeisen Bank International, Vienna
Denmark SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Estonia Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria
Finland SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
France SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Germany SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Greece SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Hungary Raiffeisen Bank International, Vienna
Indonesia UBS AG, Zurich
Ireland SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Israel UBS AG, Switzerland
Italy SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Japan SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Latvia Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria
Lithuania Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria
Luxembourg Clearstream, Luxembourg
Malaysia UBS AG, Switzerland
Mexico UBS AG, Switzerland
Netherlands SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
New Zealand SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Norway SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Philippines UBS AG, Zurich
Poland Raiffeisen Bank International, Vienna
Portugal UBS AG, Zurich
Singapore SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Slovakia Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria
Slovenia Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria
South Africa SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Spain UBS AG, Switzerland
Sweden SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Switzerland SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
Thailand UBS AG, Zurich
United Kingdom SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
USA SIX SIS AG, Switzerland
ADR's & GDR's

SIX SIS AG, Switzerland

(Additional markets may be available on request)  

Hedge Funds, Limited Partnerships

IFSAM SA, Luxembourg
Clearstream, Luxembourg

Mutual Funds

IFSAM SA, Luxembourg
UBS Switzerland (inkl. Credit Suisse)
SIX SIS AG, Switzerland


Although the utmost care has been taken in producing this document, we cannot warrant that the information it contains is complete, up-to-date or correct. The contents of this document are provided solely for information purposes and should not be construed as an offer, an invitation to make an offer or a public advertisement inviting participation in transactions involving specific financial instruments or the take-up of specific services.

The contents of this document are protected by copyright, and any utilization other than private use requires our prior consent.

© VP Bank AG Tel +423 235 66 55 Fax +423 235 65 00
Vaduz - Aeulestrasse 6 - FL- 9490 Vaduz -

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Contact form
The minimum amount for domicile Germany is CHF 250,000.
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