Harmonisation of European Payment Transactions

EBICS as the new standard for electronic payment and exchange-Post transactions

For electronic data exchange, VP Bank offers not only e-banking, but also professional solutions for a direct connection to your financial software. The electronic banking internet communication standard EBICS allows you to conveniently and securely handle payments from your ERP. In addition to that, you can receive e-Post through same way.

EBICS prevailed in SEPA countries as a multi-banking client-bank-communication standard. EBICS has its origin in harmonization of swiss payment transaction and is based on ISO 20022 Standard (further information).

How does EBICS works?

With EBICS, your company's own software (ERP and PMS systems) is directly connected to VP Bank's systems using a standardised interface. You can enter payment orders in your system and transmit them to VP Bank through an encrypted channel. You can also receive confirmations using the same channel.


EBICS provide the following benefits:

  • Use of the current standard in European payment transactions

  • High security standard thanks to encryption

  • Modern technology

  • Multibank ability

  • Optimisation of your internal processes

What new message types are available?

The following new message standards will be used for delivery to the Bank:

  • pain.001 transfer

  • pain.002 status information

The following message types are available for notifications (Reporting) in the ISO 20022 message standard:

  • camt.053 account statement

  • camt.054 collective posting file (credit / debit, payment slip ESR / direct debit LSV)

The following notifications will remain in effect:

  • Electronic banking documents in PDF format (e-Post)

  • Paper notifications (account statement, debit and credit notes)

What needs to be done?

Ask your software partner from when your software will support the EBICS interface of VP Bank and plan the transformation with them. Inform your client advisor or our specialists so that you may receive the agreement for EBICS. Our specialists will be happy to discuss the necessary steps and details.

What does EBICS cost?

As a professional client of VP Bank, EBICS is free of charge for you. For account management and payment transactions, the prices and conditions of your package apply.

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