Complaint management
For the highest possible quality of our services and advice
At VP Fund Solutions (Liechtenstein) AG we are always keen to respond in the best possible way to the feedback (i.e. suggestions, criticisms and complaints) we receive from clients regarding the funds we manage. As a Luxembourg fund management company in conformity with the UCITS V Directive, VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA likewise attaches great importance to client satisfaction and achieving first-class service quality for clients in the funds it manages.
If in spite of this any client has grounds for complaint, VP Fund Solutions will look into it immediately. These principles are guidelines for dealing with clients' complaints. We consider the information we receive from clients who complain or otherwise give us feedback (on their concerns, wishes and requirements) as an opportunity to strengthen client retention, to enhance our service quality and to improve our internal processes.
VP Fund Solutions (Liechtenstein) AG
Complaints Handling Procedure
Clients' complaints concerning VP Fund Solutions (Liechtenstein) AG (hereinafter: VPFSLI) and/or its employees, complaints relating to funds managed by VPFSLI as well as the clients' concerns, wishes and requirements may be addressed free of charge in writing or orally to the Complaint Officer at VPFSLI.
The VPFSLI Complaint Officer will take up the matter without delay, carefully investigating the complaints received and taking whatever measures are necessary. In all cases the Complaint Officer will keep the client informed of how the complaint is being handled and what corrective measures are being implemented.
Normally the client will receive a response to his or her complaint within five Liechtenstein bank working days of our receipt of the complaint.
If it takes longer than five bank working days to deal with the complaint owing to the complexity of the matter, the client will be given an interim report on the status of the process followed by regular processing status updates until the matter is finally resolved.
The client may be contacted by VPFSLI for the purpose of further clarification. The client should indicate his or her preferred contact medium or media (post, fax, telephone, e-mail) and his or her contact details.
Contact for complaints
The contact person for clients' complaints is the Complaint Officer at VP Fund Solutions (Liechtenstein) AG, who can be reached as follows:
VP Fund Solutions (Liechtenstein) AG
Complaint Officer
Aeulestrasse 6
9490 Vaduz
F +423 235 67 77
T +423 235 67 67
VPFSLI strongly believes in the importance of client satisfaction. Please communicate your concerns, wishes and requirements to us: if we are aware of them, we can work with you to resolve the matter to your satisfaction. Our complaint procedure does not involve any costs for the client / complainant.
VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA
Complaints Handling Procedure
VP Fund Solutions S.A. (hereafter “VPFLU”) is a management company (hereafter “ManCo”) pursuant to Chapter 15 of the Law dated 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investments and is also an alternative investment fund manager (hereafter “AIFM”) pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Law dated 12 July 2013 relating to AIFMs.
VPFLU has implemented procedures for managing customer complaints which complies with the requirements of CSSF Regulation 16-07 relating to the out-of-court resolution of complaints. Complaint means all messages that are addressed by a client or a potential client to VPFLU in writing, by telephone or in person where he/she expresses his/her dissatisfaction with decisions, cost or process flows or similar. Client or a potential client means each business partner or potential business partner (such as distributors, intermediaries or investors) that has a direct or indirect relation with products and services, offered by VPFLU.
VPFLU will treat your complaint as follows:
- An acknowledgement letter will be sent to you within 2 weeks (10 business days) as of the receipt of the complaint if the complaint cannot be closed before this timeline.
- The formal answer will be sent within a period which cannot exceed one month and shall in principle be signed by at least one of the Conducting Officers and one the Compliance Officers of VPFLU.
VPFLU informs its clients of the existence of the out-of-court dispute settlement procedure with the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“the CSSF”), the Luxembourg financial services regulator. The CSSF may act as a mediating authority with the aim of settling disputes out of court in the event that it has not been possible to reach an agreement between the complainant and the company. The detailed procedure can be found under the following link: https://reclamations.apps.cssf.lu/index.html?language=en
Contact for complaints
Should a client/ potential client of VPFLU consider that the services rendered by VPFLU are not fully satisfactory; the client/ potential client can contact VPFLU under the following coordinates:
VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA
2, Rue Edward Steichen
L-2540 Luxembourg
T +352 404 770 240
F +352 404 770 387
E cfi.luxembourg@vpbank.com
In order to ensure the prompt handling of any complaint, complainants are kindly requested to provide the following information in their complaint:
- Name of the fund, sub-fund, share class and ISIN code;
- Reasons for the complaint and a brief description of the nature of the complaint;
- Contact details (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address)
Our complaint procedure does not involve any costs for the complainant.