VP Bank once again receives “Risk Indicator 1” top rating
This year marks the sixth time that Bisnode D&B Schweiz AG, one of the leading providers of international business information, has given VP Bank its top rating in the D&B Risk Indicator.
The rating certificate from Bisnode D&B is the business world’s quality seal and stands for dependability and stability. Only 2 per cent of Swiss and Liechtenstein companies meet the conditions for this certificate to be rated in the best risk class by Bisnode D&B.

This award confirms that VP Bank is a trustworthy and attractive business partner offering financial stability, an outstanding payment history and the highest creditworthiness. It demonstrates VP Bank’s ability to meet its business obligations with clients and suppliers at all times.
Further information on VP Bank’s risk management can be found on the www.vpbank.com website under “About us / Responsibility” as well as in the current 2018 annual report starting on page 118.