General meeting of shareholders

The voice of the shareholders

The annual general meeting of shareholders is the supreme governing body of VP Bank Ltd. Regardsless of its nominal value, each registered share confers one vote.

The ordinary general meeting of shareholders of VP Bank AG is held each year within six months of the end of the financial year. Invitations are sent out to shareholders at least four weeks before the date of the meeting. Invitations to the general meeting and the meeting agenda are sent out to holders of B registered shares entered in the share register on the cut-off date (i.e. 21 days before the date of the general meeting) and holders of A registered shares deposited with VP Bank.In both cases invitations are sent out to the address entered in the share register. In addition, shareholders who are unable to attend will be able to vote on-line via a secure electronic platform. Each shareholder may either attend the general meeting in person or opt to be represented by some other shareholder by means of a written authorisation.

There are no restrictions on voting rights and no statutory group clauses apply.

The invitation to the general meeting is also published in the Liechtenstein media and the Swiss financial press.

Previous General Meetings

Contact us

Do you have questions regarding our investor relations? If so you can contact us easily by telephone, e-mail or contact form.
Your contact person is Michèle Schnyder, Head of Investor Relations.
Contact form
The minimum amount for domicile Germany is CHF 250,000. 
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