VP Fund Solutions News

Notice to the shareholders of the sub-fund Sunares - Sustainable Natural Resources

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The shareholders of Sunares - Sustainable Natural Resources (“the subfund”), one subfund of the investment company Sunares, are informed about the following amendments.

Sunares - Sustainable Natural Resources
ISIN: LU0344810915


As of 01 February 2018 the Fund Accounting is no longer outsourced to Internationale Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH in Düsseldorf but is done by the Management Company instead.

Furthermore, following additional changes will enter into force on 23 July 2018:

  1. The subfunds investment policy will be amended, so that the subfund has to invest continuously at least 51% of its value directly in equity investments.

  2. The sales prospectus will be adapted to current developments in data protection and taxation.

A draft of the amended prospectus can be obtained at the registered office of VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA, of VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA, as well as at the paying and information agents in Germany, HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG, in Austria, Erste Bank der Österreichischen Sparkassen AG, in Liechtenstein, VP Bank AG, or at the registered office of the Facilities Agents in United Kingdom, Global Funds Registration Limited.

VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA
26, Avenue de la Liberté
L-1930 Luxembourg
 +352 404 770 297