Donation campaign at the end of the year: sustainability in practice at VP Bank in Luxembourg
In view of the Covid-19 situation, the management of VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA and VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA has decided to support two organisations from Luxembourg with a donation.
One of the donations will go to the non-profit Luxembourg microfinance institution microlux. With its expertise in microfinance and social entrepreneurship, it pursues the sustainable goal of enabling and facilitating the start or expansion of business activities by individuals or social enterprises that have no access to traditional bank loans.
The second donation goes to the "FDEF Center on Sustainable Governance and Markets" (CSGM) at the University of Luxembourg. In this way, VP Bank in Luxembourg not only supports research in the field of ESG, but also invests in the future, since today's students are tomorrow's decision-makers.
The choice of beneficiaries of these donations reflects the importance of sustainability at VP Bank Group. As part of its sustainable activities, VP Bank in Luxembourg already made a donation in spring 2020 to the "Hôpital du Kirchberg" and three young regional companies that, like VP Bank, live by the principle of sustainability. VP Bank also received a certificate attesting to the company's sustainable waste management in accordance with ISO 14024.
The sustainable VP Bank investment philosophy "Investing for Change" includes new solutions for investors. With the launch of the "VP Bank Green Basket", VP Bank Group offers the opportunity to invest sustainably.
"Companies that treat our natural resources with care and actively assume their responsibility for society, the economy and the environment are better positioned for the future," says Claus Jørgensen, CEO of VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA, explaining VP Bank's extensive commitment to sustainability.
Further information on the sustainable activities of VP Bank can be found on the VP Bank website under "About us - Responsibility - Sustainability".