As mentioned, a profit collapse of this magnitude is rare, just like bear markets. A decline of more than 20%, as witnessed in practically all stock markets in recent weeks, traditionally marks the start of a bear market. So far this has only happened once every decade. Far more frequent are small and moderate price setbacks. Emotions play an important role in the extent of the losses, but unlike interim corrections, in a bear market there is a close correlation between price developments and profit developments – an examination of previous bear markets reveals that the respective share price loss corresponded almost exactly to companies’ subsequently reported profit declines. The exceptions can be explained by the high inflation in the 1970s and the exorbitant valuations at the turn of the century upon the burst of the bubble.
Is the worst already behind us?
The US equity market has meanwhile dropped 34% from its all-time high recorded only five weeks ago. In the past several sessions, it has been able to recover somewhat. So if the aforementioned correlation between bear markets and earnings remains intact, and if we compare our anticipated decline in US corporate profits with the maximum price slump, it becomes clear that the stock market has reacted appropriately. As dramatic as the dynamics have been, today’s low prices appear to be entirely justified in view of the currently projected economic damage. And meanwhile, the valuations based on anticipated future earnings are not (yet) particularly favourable.
Thus we consider it premature to speak of a turning point. Equity markets do have the “talent” to anticipate future happenings before they are even confirmed in the form of better news or an actual rise in profits. After the last financial crisis, for example, corporate earnings bottomed out in January 2010. At that time, share prices were already 50% higher than their lows recorded in March 2009.
But this time around, things are a bit different. The modern financial markets have never experienced a pandemic shock like the one we are currently experiencing. The lack of comparability with earlier periods is causing many investors to keep their powder dry. Moreover, the market is still busy trying to put its head around the current situation. A glance at the consolidated expectations of equity analysts shows that we are only at Square 1 right now. They have adjusted their estimates only hesitantly and still project a slight increase in earnings.
We expect that an ongoing mix of wishful thinking and fearful action will result in another downside leg. In addition to news on the medical front, doubts will arise as to whether the government measures are actually sufficient and will take effect quickly enough. And then of course there is the open question about how the crisis will affect the debt market. If all these worries coalesce simultaneously, it is to be feared that the equity markets will retreat to their recent lows, or even beyond.
But things could also turn out differently
Equally spoken, one could well imagine scenarios that make the worst fears evaporate instantaneously. Such would be the case, for example, if pharmaceutical research achieved a rapid breakthrough with a therapeutic drug. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 41 clinical trials of vaccine against the novel coronavirus have been initiated worldwide. The good news is that researchers are not starting from scratch. They are already familiar with other corona viruses such as MERS (outbreak in 2012) and SARS (outbreak in 2002/03). This is why diagnostic tests have been introduced and performed relatively quickly. The situation is similar in the field of drug research. If an antiviral drug or vaccine were to be officially approved in the coming weeks, this could open the door for a rapid economic recovery – and in the same vein, the personal distancing/isolation measures could be relaxed more quickly. Although companies would still have to swallow a significant drop in short-term profits, the financial markets would probably mount a sustained recovery. The latter in particular would be very good news for the real economy: the sooner the tensions in the capital markets ease, the better the credit channels and liquidity supply will function.
Alas, at the other end of the spectrum, this upbeat scenario is contrasted by an economic trend similar to the letter L. Were that to be case, the deep slump in the second quarter would not be followed by a recovery – and something with the look and feel of an economic depression could evolve. In this scenario, the virus would maintain its bear hug on the world, at which point a major wave of insolvencies cannot be ruled out. Prolonged stagnation and further declines in economic dynamism would then be on the daily docket. Stress levels would naturally spike, not only in the stock markets, but especially in the credit markets.
In their uncanny way, the financial markets were exceptionally quick to price in the far-reaching, negative developments that lie ahead for the real economy. The massive slump in growth, especially in the second quarter, will exceed anything the tentative growth in the second half can counteract. This will naturally have a profound impact on corporate profits. The profit decline we are anticipating has been largely reflected in current share prices. However, we do not yet view this as being a turning point.
We consider another round of temporary setbacks to be more likely than a steady market recovery. In the wake of the recent wave of selling and sharp reflex rallies, investors and analysts alike will continue to be preoccupied processing the events and new news in the coming days and weeks.
Against this backdrop, investors are well advised to proceed with caution. A potential further stock market rally should not automatically be confused with a sustainable bottom-building process. That said, we recommend remaining invested. If one sells now, there is the risk of missing the best time for re-entry. We would continue to focus on high-quality companies with strong balance sheets. This applies equally to stock as well as bond selection. And broad diversification also means including non-cyclical asset classes such as gold and insurance-linked securities.
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