Standard Settlement Instructions
Sub-Custody Network der VP Bank AG
General information
VP Bank
Aeulestrasse 6
FL-9490 Vaduz
All assets of Investment Funds are segregated as follows:
- Segregated account per fund type (AIF or UCITS)
- on the level of each sub-custodian/market
Fed Wire Instructions (US-Government Bonds) |
Bank of New York, Brussels |
CH ISIN | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
All other ISIN | Euroclear Brussels |
Australia | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Austria | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Belgium | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Bulgaria | Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria |
Canada | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
China | UBS AG, Switzerland |
Cyprus | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Czech Republic | Raiffeisen Bank International, Vienna |
Denmark | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Estonia | Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria |
Finland | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
France | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Germany | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Greece | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Hungary | Raiffeisen Bank International, Vienna |
Indonesia | UBS AG, Zurich |
Ireland | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Israel | UBS AG, Switzerland |
Italy | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Japan | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Latvia | Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria |
Lithuania | Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria |
Luxembourg | Clearstream, Luxembourg |
Malaysia | UBS AG, Switzerland |
Mexico | UBS AG, Switzerland |
Netherlands | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
New Zealand | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Norway | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Philippines | UBS AG, Zurich |
Poland | Raiffeisen Bank International, Vienna |
Portugal | UBS AG, Zurich |
Singapore | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Slovakia | Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria |
Slovenia | Raiffeisen Bank International, Austria |
South Africa | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Spain | UBS AG, Switzerland |
Sweden | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Switzerland | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Thailand | UBS AG, Zurich |
United Kingdom | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
USA | SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
ADR's & GDR's |
SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
(Additional markets may be available on request) |
Hedge Funds, Limited Partnerships
IFSAM SA, Luxembourg |
Clearstream, Luxembourg |
Mutual Funds
IFSAM SA, Luxembourg |
UBS Switzerland (inkl. Credit Suisse) |
SIX SIS AG, Switzerland |
Although the utmost care has been taken in producing this document, we cannot warrant that the information it contains is complete, up-to-date or correct. The contents of this document are provided solely for information purposes and should not be construed as an offer, an invitation to make an offer or a public advertisement inviting participation in transactions involving specific financial instruments or the take-up of specific services.
The contents of this document are protected by copyright, and any utilization other than private use requires our prior consent.
© VP Bank AG Tel +423 235 66 55 Fax +423 235 65 00
Vaduz - Aeulestrasse 6 - FL- 9490 Vaduz -