Location management

Achieving success together

The VP Bank location managers are responsible for the respective market development - it is coordinated via the Group.

Alexander Ziehl

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA, born 1977, Citizen of Germany

Peter Vangehr

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) VP Bank (Switzerland) AG, born 1966, Citizen of Switzerland

Dr Marcel Tschanz

Chief Executive Officer VP Bank (BVI) Ltd, born 1965, Citizen of Switzerland

Dr Daniel Siepmann

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) VP Fund Solutions (Liechtenstein) AG, born 1967, German, Citizen of Switzerland, Luxembourger

Torsten Ries

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA, born 1977, Citizen of Germany

Thomas Rupf

Chief Investment Officer Asia & Head of Trading, Managing Director, born 1982, Citizen of Switzerland

Reto Marx

Chief Risk Officer Asia, a.i. Head Products & Solutions Asia, Managing Director, born 1972, Citizen of Switzerland